
The 10 Avatars (Dasavatara) of the Hindu God Vishnu!

As per Hindu beliefs, Vishnu is regarded as one of the most important deities, alongside Bramha and Shiva. Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh(Shiva) together forms Trimurti (The foremost and sacred trinity) of Hindu religious practice.  Out of his many forms, Vishnu is reckoned as the 'preserver cum protector' of the universe. As per Hindu mythology, whenever bedlam occurs to the humanity and some evil power takes the supreme control, Vishnu will incarnate and reincarnate for several times to reinstate the uprightness into this world.  According to Hindu scriptures, each incarnation of Vishnu is termed as 'avatars' and it enunciates about the existence of ten avatars. As a whole, all the ten avatars of Vishnu is abbreviated as ' Dashavtaar '. There is a specific purpose for each of the archetype. They are believed to be present from the age of ' Satya  Yuga'  (Golden Age or Age of Truth), when god itself used to be a sovereign. Whenever mankind are dragged into...