#Positivity & #Negativity
#Positivity #Negativity
There's a parallel world (i.e. real) running on this earth along with the human world. You can even communicate with the creatures of parallel world, if you strongly wish.
Whenever you are in extreme painful situation, whenever you become severely weak, the powers of the parallel world becomes supremo, active at it's highest degree and stimulate you to join their world, the world of negativity.
There's no equipment discovered to fight and kill the negativity, you can only reduce it. And to reduce it, you have to increase the strength of positivity.
One can understand it in the manner, Suppose there are two piles of book (One pile of books leading to positivity and next pile of book leading to negativity), 6 books in each pile. Pile of Negative books will always be there, just you've to keep on adding the books of positivity.
From top of the first pile of book, you'll see the concentration of negative books is lessened by some good margin. For a meaningful life, keep realizing this each day, you can only reduce the negativity, you can't destroy it completely.

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