Depression And Spiritualism!
What sort of healing mechanism you've used to overcome with you pains, loads & stresses?? There is no one specific way. I believe path to Spiritual Awakening is need in totality. You get to know the real meaning of your life. Spirituality is not limited to Medical Intuitive, Prayers, Past Life Regression Therapy, Hypnosis, Meditation, Yogas, Chakras, etc.
There's no specific path towards spirituality, it's a personal journey. For me, writing is the one. Moreover, a private writer of everything that pops in my mind. What's right for you isn't right for me and vice-versa is true. That's why everyone is spiritual in their own way. This is where you learn basics of spiritualism.
Sometimes, What's dark for you is enlightenment for me. It can stem from either negativity or positivity depending on who and how the one's journey is taken. Similarly, what's pessimism for you may be optimism for me.
And there is no necessity that my words must resonate with yours because as seen spirituality is entirely one’s personal journey. Also, spirituality is not about winning an argument.
Depression is real so as the Mental health. A very good care of your Mental health is need and necessity. So choose any one way that helps you to heal, rather than giving up. Forget and Ignore the judgements that the people are going to make on your choice of healing processes.

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