#Trataka (Wondering what is this?)

#Trataka (Wondering what is this?)
In one sitting you can practice this eleven times.
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati.
Trataka is one of the most direct, simple and effective techniques for attaining concentration of mind. It can be practice by everyone and the benefits are enormous. The word trataka means steady gazing. The practice of trataka involves gazing at a point without blinking the eyes. It is a method of focussing the eyes, and in turn the mind, on one point to the exclusion of all else.
Technique : start to trataka on a black dot. When practicing trataka on a dot there should be good light so that you can see the dot clearly without straining the eyes, and the light should be behind you.
The size of the dot used for this practice differs for each individual. You must decide on the size of the dot, according to your eyesight.
A dot of the proper size should be placed at the proper distance according to the eyesight capacity. After gazing upon it for three minutes, close your eyes and look within. You will find a shadow with same outline. Concentrate on this shadow in the same manner as in trataka on the black dot. The effect on the retina is different, however, because you are not seeing a black dot. When you gaze at the shadow of the black dot it may be black, blue, grey, or any colour. It will disappear, reappear, disappear, etc. When you can no longer see it then you will have to start again.
In one sitting you can practice this eleven times.
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati.
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