"What is Life Teaching Me Now?"
"What is Life Teaching Me Now?"

In other words, if this world is a spiritual school, what are we supposed to be learning? How efficiently the quarantine has been teaching you to focus on nurturing yourself. Is it providing you a welcome break from routine work stresses and caregiver responsibilities, and allowing some creative space as well?
How the worldwide crises or your own personal crises have brought your attention to finding a sense of purpose in your life. Are you aware enough to describe life as a spiritual journey with two paths: own growth and service to others. Try to look at the series of events in your life as they relate to those two mentioned paths.
We have to talk about being aware of what we are focusing on in our lives--all the tasks we have to do and all the problems we need to solve--or the fact that we are Soul living in this moment, the here and now. Keep pointing out how spiritual exercises can open your awareness more, so that you live in a more conscious way.
Uncover the learning that can happen through dialogue with an inner guide, asking questions and listening for the answer, and through dreams, which can also bring spiritual experiences. Focus on "Loosening the Grip of Fear." Fear can take so many forms: stress, anxiety, procrastination, phobias . . . Let's take a look at where fear has been closing its fingers on your life and see how we can loosen its grip.
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