Wondering how people interrelate Quantum Physics with spirituality?

Wondering how people interrelate Quantum Physics with spirituality?
(N.B. :- I will repeat "Everything is Energy" quite a few times here.)
So, big query of spiritual schools is now that whether spirituality is related to Classical physics or Quantum Physics or just a Metaphysics? Classical Physics dealt with particle nature of different atomic constituents such as electron, proton, neutron, etc. But by the introduction of Quantum Physics the wave nature came into play, dual nature of particle was now the matter of discussion. Most of the spiritual schools are relating spirituality with quantum physics in modern time. They believe that everything is energy and everything is interconnected. Nothing stays still, everything vibrates with different frequencies. All is One and One is All. The divine is monad. There is no Separation, only Oneness. Consciousness is the true essence of energy and energy is indestructible, it cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. Consciousness is the ultimate Now, it always existed and will continue to exist in the never-ending moment, even after death and rebirth. While some define it as Metaphysics, having an abstract theory with no basis in reality.
The opponents do ask for the senses behind linking spirituality with QP and the rules being applied behind that interconnection. Awakening maybe a quantum jump but there’s no proof at all. Quite clearly, quantum physics is not the same as classical physics in concepts and laws. Matter behaves completely different in nano/pico scale and possesses different properties you wouldn’t expect. To be honest, the science is still uncertain because there’s new theories that beat others. Unless spirituality comes from uncertainty, the dissidents see no valid point in linking it. According to them, just because some principles look easy to connect the dots, it doesn’t mean they’re in hand with the other. They say, If the spirit is made of any quanta then it’s matter. Which means that it is physical.
To counter them, the proponents of this idea strongly admit that one can manipulate quantum physics with their mind. We and everything in the existence we can see are made of the particles. We are made of atoms from the physical perspective. Well atoms are solid and non-solid at the same time. When manifesting, it is not the universe that brings you anything. Creation begins with Imagination. Imagination is the non-physical world and the entire universe from your body to as far as you can see that is all the physical world. Each existing at the same time. In essence, you have a soul (non-physical) and a body (physical) which exist at the same time. Interesting, isn't it? More importantly, one has to understand that the body and the soul are not working together as one but THEY ARE ONE. It’s like an ice berg and a cloud...they are both expressions of water and are water and belong to water. Makes sense? Also, what quantum physics tells you is that reality (atoms and electrons etc. etc.) react when observed. There is no spoon. it feels like we've our own pre-defined opinions and it won’t change.'
One must agree that quantum physics is essentially the science to proving the esoteric. Not everything about quantum mechanics is deeply spiritual and philosophical but has reality too. Reality is digital [and reversible], after all, units of information in a quantum computer. Every time you measure a qubit, it performs a quantum jump. Experiential realism is closely related to digital pantheism, theosophy stemming from digital physics. We don’t have direct "unfiltered" access to reality as it is: Our perceptual reality is always limited and thus should be regarded as simulated, be it on a neurobiological level, societal level or as a computationally rendered simulated reality under digital ontology. Hyper-reality, therefore, would be the ultimate reality of God where anything is possible but not necessarily experienced. We are God incarnates as finite beings whose reality is fundamentally experiential. When apprehending this transcendent reality, spirituality transpires as a factual and self-evident necessity.
The soul is quantum energy itself. Spirituality happens at a quantum level. So, it would be hard to not mix them both. There is actually very similar relatable laws on energy and quantum mechanics how living things are systems and constantly interact with their surroundings. Everything is energy and this interaction actually changes in relation to the energy. I think one will eventually prove the other. It's almost impossible to research spirituality with a scientific mind without looking at quantum physics. It's the science that proves science as we know it is fundamentally flawed without accepting spirituality. As Einstein described it "spooky science". If you closely observe the two-slit quantum experiment, you can relate how the particles can be manipulated by meditation. Spirituality is about reality. Lots of insight to be had about concentration vs meditation in the particle-wave duality.
The material obvious is just the effects of the metaphysical cause in energy coursing. The truth isn't invisible, the obvious just gets all the attention because obvious resonates with known. Space is Form and Form is Space. In quantum terms, space is form and it is part of the material elements. And form is space or formless or energy. But in order to establish the existence of which supports and which is supported, our mind separates space and form. Just take any object and grind it to quantum level; what will you find? Nothingness or Emptiness or Quart or space or everything is the same or one. In reality, there is no form inside the mind. But form is nourished by the mind due to habitual and conditioned consciousness- your body, possessions, the world, and beings, all come from cumulative database or repository consciousness, and all appears as your perceived reality. All is an illusion - an empty mirror reflecting on and on and on with nothing to grasp. Therefore, one should avoid projections that views space or form as separate.
Being a technocrat and a clairsentient empath at the same time, I can say entangling spirituality with quantum physics is relevant. Recently i have stepped into Twin Flame journey, the mystical experiences in this journey compels one to embrace Einstein’s final theory. Divine love has the ripple frequencies. With quantum physics, human can travel to different locations of the universe and multiverses, to different dimensions, and time-space travel. Meaning, it’s an advanced level of understanding how energy connects us all and manage it according to our interest. The next thing to do is to get there, the spiritual realm.
In my opinion quantum physics has already proven that all matter isn’t as solid as it seems and that all matter truly and simply is energy, connected within and connected with each other. There is an amazing intelligence within every particle. The magic of this reality is that many physicists end up believing in a Higher Power. Spiritual beliefs and science actually are very compatible. Everything is energy (Quantum physics proves that). Energy is connected to a greater energy which is beyond time/space and reveals a consciousness (Quantum mechanics proves that). That greater energy is referred to as the Zero Point field - another name for that is God, Higher Power, Creator etc. My spirituality understands that I understand nothing. Everything even quantum physics to me is still a part of the whole/one. Dimensions, realities, it all resides back to source of one.
Everything is energy. Quantum entanglement represents everything being connected. I think quantum synchronization/ entanglement with spirituality may explain how the telepathy works. Quantum is good but it is a manifestation. It is like going from 3rd dimensional Newtonian world to 5th dimensional quantum world. I think it is signaling that we can expand our consciousness to actually comprehend the enlightenment with different senses. Quantum is the first step towards understanding the wondrous world of consciousness, encourages us move from spirituality towards understanding our authentic nature. So, it makes what we call spirituality a natural path. The journey makes sense, even if “sense” is beyond our 5 senses. So, it opens that primary gate. Neuroscience of mind/brain mimics astrophysics (because it’s part of our unfolding field of existence)
Spirituality is soul searching so more you know about yourself and the way you create and influence the world you more you are capable of taking charge of the state of becoming. The study into nature, the universe and all things are acknowledgment of infinite, expansion. So further you grow as a being so more celebrated your range into the source. It is all things, science, philosophy, harmony and freedom. Through the work of self. a greater understanding is established. You will not accept the limitation of a narrow mind or view. You become less judgemental, loose fear or hate and become one with source. Extension of the creator. The key is to return to love, pure soul nothing out there is frightening if you don't carry fear within. If you start researching go by things you love or have an interest in. It will expand from there.
If you can understand this, you are enlightened; if you can't understand it yet, then you should reflect on the statement - "all projections are simply perceptions of your own mind". The science that doesn’t consider consciousness is a joke. The word “quantum” became a cover word for “divine”, even though a proper scientist would never admit it. You will see quantum chemistry, quantum biology, quantum healing and so on. Quantum mechanics just happened to be a first scientific field where “mind over matter” was observed and proven. Loving emotions are quantum. They are "charged" with transcendent energy. Our experiments in quantum physics reveal that there must be a set of natural law in superposition to this observable reality, and that our entire field of science is based on false premises. It basically opens up the door for speculation and seemingly ties right back into pantheism.
Science and spirituality go hand in hand especially quantum physics. Quantum is about balance of the elements. Especially copper and electricity. Without them, neither Spirituality or Quantum would be known to us. Quantum Superposition has eerie similarities to the principles of manifestation and LOA (Law of Attraction). Everything is energy, everything is of the source energy. The phenomenon of imprinting in space and also sensing feeling shows that space isn't just space. there's a whole field of information in space. So much we are learning about the unseen space as it's everywhere including within us. I try to do it all the time actually! Allowing my reality to exist beyond what I've previously known as its truths. Letting go of "where" I think things should be, allows it to exist more fully outside of any given specific space. Intention to not define things, unlearn things, and suddenly reality reaches into deeper and deeper places one’s mind cannot create from itself. It allows reality to show itself to you-instead of seeking what you think will be out there (or inside of you).
Recommended Books:
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment (RSE) teachings.
THE SEPARATION OF BEING by Luke Ashley Fernandez
Beyond the Quantum, by Michael Talbot
The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between M. Physics& Eastern Mysticism
God Theory by Bernard Haisch
Youtube's Link:
Movie, Documentary:
What the Bleep do we know,
how far are you willing to go down the Rabbit hole.
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